A Medfield native who began his law enforcement career with the Medfield Police Department in 2005, Chief Kelleher transferred to Walpole in 2007. To this point in his career, Chief Kelleher has held a number of specialty assignments in the Walpole Police Department, including: Field Training Officer, Bicycle Officer, Honor Guard member, and Detective – where he was assigned to leadership roles on multiple regional task forces. Chief Kelleher was promoted to the ranks of Sergeant in 2016 and Detective Sergeant in 2017, before being appointed the Department’s Deputy Police Chief in January 2020. Chief Kelleher is a graduate of Bentley University.
Deputy Kilroy earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Fisher College and Master’s Degree from UMass Lowell. The recipient of the FBI’s prestigious LEEDA Leadership Trilogy Award, Deputy Kilroy spearheaded our Department’s completion of the International Association of Chiefs of Police OneMind Campaign, which seeks to ensure successful interactions between police officers and persons with mental health disorders and/or intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Lieutenant Zanghetti graduated from Walpole High School and has been a police officer in Walpole since 1999. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology with a Criminal Justice track from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, and a Master's degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Massachusetts - Lowell. He has served as a member of the MetroLEC-Computer Crime Unit, the bike patrol, and a variety of other assignments. Lt. Zanghetti is the Administrative Commander of the department and in charge of numerous logistical, and administrative responsibilities including the building of the new police station, accreditation and the technology department.
Lieutenant White is a native of Roslindale, who moved to Walpole in 1999, and has served as a Walpole Police officer since 2005. He previously served as an MP in the Massachusetts National Guard from 1997 until 2005, and was deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Lt. White holds a Bachelor’s degree in legal studies from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, a Master’s degree in criminal justice from Curry college, and Juris Doctor law degree from New England Law Boston. He was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar as a licensed attorney in 2016. Lt. White is the Special Services Commander in charge of our community policing efforts, special events, grants, licensing, special units, equipment and facilities.
Lieutenant Brian Becker is a Walpole native who attended local schools and graduated from WHS in 1995. After proudly serving in the U.S. Army, where he earned the rank of Sergeant, Lt. Becker was appointed to the Walpole Police Department in 2001. He attended the Weymouth Police Academy, graduating in the Summer of 2002. Lt. Becker was promoted to Sergeant in 2013, where he worked on both the Midnight and Day Shifts. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master's Degrees in Criminal Justice from Fisher College. Lt. Becker has also attended a number of supervisory/leadership & executive development courses, and is the Patrol Division Commander
Judy Ryan-Decker | Deanna Fruci | Tarsha Smith |
Dylan Jones (LCSW) |
Judy is responsible for all administrative processes within the department. She is assisted by several civilian clerks, who together handle a multitude of administrative duties vital to the daily operation of the police department; including payroll, records requests, purchasing, firearms records, police records maintenance and many, many other administrative needs required by officers, detectives, the administration and the public.
Dylan Jones is our Mental Health Clinician through the Jail Diversion Program (JDP). The JDP is a grant-funded program through the Department of Mental Health which pairs clinicians with local police departments through a co-response model. Dylan works alongside our officers, responding to calls, conducting follow-ups and serving as a liaison to Riverside Community Care.
Marty McDonagh | Michael Benner | Ian Tolland (Detective) |
Pat O'Connor | John Thayer | Matt Crown |
Rich Habr | Kyle Griffin |
Sergeants are the front line supervisors for the Walpole Police Department; they are the glue that holds together our organization. Sergeants are right there, with the officers, to help guide and oversee them during their daily shifts. They do more than just supervise, they are responsible for patrol assignments, as well as the assignment of detail officers to various locations throughout town. Sergeants conduct roll-call at the beginning of the shift, where officers are briefed on all of the latest activities in town, and are warned of any potentially dangerous situations that could arise. They are also in charge of the station during their tour, and oversee the processing of all detainees. Being a Sergeant is a difficult job. You have to be there when officers have questions on the law or policy, and be able to make the tough decisions. To prepare our Sergeants, on top of the advanced legal knowledge needed just to obtain the rank, they are given advanced training in numerous different fields. Currently, the Walpole Police Department has 8 Sergeants, who are responsible for supervising all shifts, including the Detectives.
Andrew Kiewlicz | Taylor Bethoney | Steve Foley |
Pat Moriarty | Bob Doherty | OPEN |
The Walpole Police Department has 4 Detectives actively investigating serious crimes in Walpole, as well as a detective assigned to Wrentham District Court, and one assigned to Juvenile Affairs. The Detective Division is supervised directly by a Detective Sergeant, and overall by the Deputy Chief. Our detectives are all trained extensively in criminal investigation, crime scene procedures, and countless other areas of expertise needed to handle an involved investigation. In addition, each detective is actively involved in a specific specialization, increasing their training and knowledge even further. It is the responsibility of the Detective Division to investigate serious crimes, and to look further into incidents that are initially handled by the Patrol Division.
Scott Koenig | Tim Sullivan | Heather Van Ness |
Al Manganello | Paul Lagoa | Luke Parlon |
Tom Hart | Tom Perciaccante | Phil Powers |
Michelle O'Neil | John Murphy | George Byrd |
Nicole Genard | Justin Rouhana | Patrick Baker |
William Mitchell | Richard Ordway | Robert Pimentel |
Caleb Nix | Margaret Gale | Will Bento |
Anthony Antonelli | John Holmes | Sean Turpin |
John McMillan | Adrienne Timmerman | Victoria Clancy |
It is an injustice to describe these officers as simply Patrol Officers. These officers are responsible for working their patrol shift, but they offer so much more to the Town of Walpole. Our officers "wear many hats", and many of them have taken it upon themselves to get involved in extracurricular activities that offer a variety of services to our town. We have officers (as well as Sergeants and Detectives) who work as school mentors. We have officers trained as Rape Aggression Defense Instructors, and organize classes for the town. We have Crime Preventions Officers, traffic specialists, crash re-constructionists, SWAT team members, and computer crime experts. We have officers that work on the Honor Guard, Bike Patrol, Motorcycle Unit, and the regional task force MetroLEC. All of this is in addition to their work on patrol. I encourage you to head over to the About Us page and check out the Annual Report, where the dedication and hard work of these officers is described in further detail.
Supervisor Bill Fitzpatrick | Jenna Barnett | Brittany Conran |
Rob Randall | Jess Mercier | Jim Viera |
Mollie Brown | Alicia Syrett | Max Cropper |
The Emergency Communications Center is staffed by nine (9) full-time public safety dispatchers, and managed by a Dispatch Supervisor. The ECC dispatches both the Walpole Police Department and the Walpole Fire Department and is, quite literally, the nerve center of the Town of Walpole. The ECC houses the town's enhanced 911 public safety answering point, a nationwide teletype system, computer aided dispatch computers, the Walpole fire alarm/telegraph system, and numerous radio systems. Dispatchers not only dispatch Walpole Police and Fire units, but also communicate with other towns and agencies via the extensive radio network. Dispatchers can communicate with almost any public safety agency in Eastern and Central Massachusetts. All 911 calls made within the confines of the town come into the ECC and are handled by Walpole Public Safety Dispatchers. Walpole public safety dispatchers receive extensive training. Upon being hired, dispatchers spend six weeks at a dispatch academy to become certified in a variety of subjects. They are also certified in Emergency Medical Dispatch, the use of the automatic external defibrillators (AED), CPR, and are Massachusetts First Responders. We are very lucky to have such excellent dispatchers that are the heart of the entire department.