The Walpole Police Department handles a wide variety of applications, permits and records requests. To make this process easier, we have included the forms below.
Click the link below to request a police report.
| Request a Police Report |
NOTE: if you are requesting a crash report, you MUST first complete, and submit the Registry of Motor Vehicles Crash Form, which can be found below.
Crash Report
| Registry of Motor Vehicles Crash Report |
Public Records (General)
M.G. L. ch.66, §.10: A request for public records may be delivered to the records access officer by hand or via first class mail at the record officer’s business address, or via electronic mail to the address posted by the agency or municipality that the records access officer serves.
(1) All communications shall be addressed or delivered to:
Walpole Police Department
Attention: Records Division
50 South Street
Walpole, MA 02081
(**Please be advised, this is the only email address that accepts public records requests. Emails sent to other addresses may be delayed, or not received entirely).
(2) Division Business Hours. The regular hours of the Division are below. Electronic communication is strongly encouraged and is the preferred method of correspondence [950 CMR 32.03(1)]. An oral request made in person is permitted. A Records Access Officer is not permitted to require a written request, but may write an oral request on its own form to assist in prompt response.
Division Business Hours
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9:00am - 2:00pm
(3) Computation of Time. Unless otherwise provided, the computation of time referred to in 950 CMR 32.00 shall begin with the first business day following the date of receipt of any request, regardless of physical form. The computation of time for an oral request shall begin with the day the oral request was made to the custodian [950 CMR 32.03(3)].
(4) A records access officer shall not require a particular form be used by requesters, but may make forms available for requesters [950 CMR 32.06(1)(d)]. The below electronically submitted form has been created to help facilitate a fast and efficient request process. Please click the link below, fill out the form and then hit the "submit" button.
Whether you are looking for an FID card or a License To Carry a Firearm, everyone has to start in the same place; this application.
| Firearms License Application |
Change of Address: Pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 140, sections 129B and 131, a cardholder shall notify the licensing authority that issued such firearms license, the chief of police into whose jurisdiction such card holder moves, and the commissioner of the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services of any change of address within 30 days of its occurrence. Failure to notify any of these entities shall be cause for revocation or suspension of the license. In lieu of notifying the FRB/DCJIS via certified mail, you may submit the form found on the website of the Massachusetts Firearms Records Bureau.
Citizen Commendation/Complaint Forms
Citizens can file a report for a commendation or complaint against an employee, or the department as a whole, using the following forms.
You can print the form out and fill it out by hand, or download it and complete it electronically. The completed forms can be mailed, emailed, or dropped off at the police station to the attention of the Deputy Chief.
Traffic Hazards
Traffic Service Request Forms are used to request enforcement by the Walpole Police Department related to speeding vehicles or problem traffic areas. These forms can be mailed or dropped off at the police station.
| Traffic Enforcement Request |
Going Away?
This form was created so residents can notify us of an upcoming vacation, and our officers can be aware that your home will be unoccupied for an extended period of time. We can then swing by and check to see that your house is secure while you are away. Print out the form below, complete it, and you can mail or hand deliver it to the police station.
Solicitor Application
In accordance with the Town of Walpole by-laws, every solicitor must register with the Walpole Police Department.
SafeWatch Program
The family of those with a history of wandering can fill out this form and submit it to the Walpole Police Department. We can then put it on file, and will have updated information at our fingertips in the event of a missing person.
| SafeWatch Program: Emergency Contact Form |
Walpole Camera Registration Program
In an effort to continue our public safety partnership with citizens and businesses, the Walpole Police Department is offering a security camera registration program. The Walpole Camera Registry Program allows residents and business owners to voluntarily register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Walpole Police Department. When a crime occurs, police will be able to identify the locations of nearby video cameras to obtain potential video surveillance. If necessary, police would ask Walpole Camera Registry Program participants to check their private video surveillance systems for a specific date and time for video that may show activity involved with a crime, and, if they so choose, participants can voluntarily provide copies of video footage to police for investigative purposes.
See the registration form here for full details .: CAMERA REGISTRATION FORM :.
Records Access Officer
M.G.L. ch.66, §.6A(c) Each agency and municipality shall post in a conspicuous location at its offices and on its website, if any, the name, title, business address, business telephone number, and business email address of each records access officer.
If you have any questions about how to access public records from the Walpole Police Department, or if you need assistance in seeking public records, you can contact:
Judy Ryan-Decker
Administrative Assistant
50 South Street
Walpole, MA 02081
Phone: 508.668.1212
Public Records Guidelines (to be completed by July 1, 2017)