The Adopt-A-School Program continues to thrive as a community service in Walpole. This popular program began several years ago with officer's volunteering to "adopt" a school, and work toward building a strong working relationship with them.
Officers frequently visit the schools, speak at school events and work closely to build bonds with both student and staff. School Mentors, as they are often called, have begun assisting schools with "lock-down drills", which are a means of practicing preparedness in the event of an intruder into the school.
This valuable exercise is practiced in several schools throughout town on several occasions throughout the year. Akin to a fire drill, the lock-down drills are performed at a walk-through pace in order to promote learning, without causing panic and confusion. Police officers working the road at the time of the drills are also getting in some practice, as they responded to the school and practice securing the area, and work to familiarize themselves with the grounds.